
Ambient advertising utilises unexpected public spaces. This has two benefits:
– You can place your message in a surprising way to reach your category audience.
– You can amplify the effect of this by sharing on social media.


Research showed that the best way to encourage consumers to buy Listerine PocketPaks was through trial experiences. The strategy focused on getting people to try the product at moments when they were likely to think about fresh breath.

Stickers were added to existing fixtures in clubs and bars, such as urinals, drains, toilet bowls, and ashtrays. Sample packs were placed at the bar, allowing patrons to experience the product’s breath-freshening effects immediately.

Within just three months, PocketPaks achieved an impressive 48% market share, becoming the clear leader in the breath freshener category.

Economist carpet

The best media is unpaid media. We rolled out a 20 metre long Economist carpet at locations throughout the city and left it there, until asked to move on. Subscription canvassers were near by to get new sign-ups. Also makes for a very shareable selfie.

Economist gym

Pundits would have us believe that in modern life there are very few moments where we are not looking at our phones (apart from driving and on escalators). With the exception of single bi-cep curls the gym is place where we look up from our screens. The perfect location to sell Economist subscriptions. Healthy mind, healthy body and all that.


For the launch of JetStar across Asia we sent well known buskers and hawkers on holiday. The only proviso was that we were given permission to leave "back-soon" signs at their locations.

We also sent chauffeurs to the airport to let passengers getting off more expensive flights they could have flown cheaper with Jetstar.

Both of these activities were quickly picked up by the press and public.